Surprise Inspection of Sunshine Coast Businesses

The Fair Work Ombudsman today announced that it is making surprise inspections of farms and eateries on the Sunshine Coast this week to verify if workers are being paid correctly. According to the FWO, inspectors are inspecting roughly 35 businesses in the region with...

What to do When You Want to Sell Your Business

In most every business owner’s life, there comes a time when they want to sell up and move on. Indeed, if you are here reading this, you are probably already thinking about it. To help you prepare your business for sale, here are some general steps you can take to...

Superannuation benefits after death – you might be surprised

After death, it is often a surprise that the deceased has a life insurance policy attached to their superannuation.  This can be a considerable amount. It is also often a surprise to learn that the superannuation benefits (super and life insurance) are not dealt with...

Fair Work Investigation Spree – does it affect you?

Fair Work surprise inspections! The Fair Work has conducted surprise inspections of 82 businesses in Melbourne. 86% of the surprise inspections were found to have breached workplace laws. Of the 71 businesses found to be in breach, 69 had underpaid their workers and...

When is overtime unreasonable?

Under the Fair Work Act 2009, an employer must not require employees to work more than 38 hours per week or their rostered hours (whichever is greater) unless the additional hours are ‘reasonable’. If the additional hours are unreasonable, an employee may refuse to...