A recent Qld Supreme Court decision heralds the iWill. A Will written on an iPhone has been declared valid and probate was granted to the executor named in the Will. This is despite the iWill not being witnessed or physically signed by the deceased. Lyons J held...
The “Ice Bucket Challenge” for Lou Gehrig’s disease has gone viral. The challenge has raised an estimated $100 million for the non-profit Association ALS. Not only is this a financial success story but it has raised the disease from near obscurity: most people had...
A Linfox Driver wrote on his Facebook (please excuse the language): “I admire any creature that has the capacity to rip Nina and Assaf’s heads off, sh*% down their throats and then chew up and spit out their lifeless body” He was referring to his Linfox managers. He...
Example of the need for a trademark A business who trades under a name and logo but does not register that as a trade mark may be required to stop using that name and log if another registers it. Trademarking not only protects your intellectual property but it...
From 1 July 2018, purchasers of new residential premises or potential residential land are required to withhold an amount of the contract price and pay this directly to the ATO as part of the settlement process. The amount of GST will not change. However, care will...